3 Jan 2009

Many diseases are difficult to cure. Usually when we suffer from the disease ... we must immediately examined at the hospital ....
If you do not recover from the illness you suffer .... do not give in ....
I have a suggestion for you .... "Therapy .."
Try you treat your disease with therapy .......... Hopefully well ............."

There are several types of autism therapy as a procedure / intervention for autistic children. Type of treatment necessary and appropriate for each individual may vary depending on the circumstances of each child.

It should be noted that the condition of each child's different considering that autism spectrum, so there is no standard therapy is appropriate and exactly the same in every child. Some children with autism may have requiring some type of therapy conducted in an integrated manner, some not.

Several types of existing therapies, among others are:

A. Methods of behavior therapy with ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis / Lovaas method).
B. Speech therapy (speech and language therapy).
C. Physical and occupational therapy (physical and Occupational Therapy (OT) &
Sensory integration (SI).
D. Casein Free Diet (CF), Glutten Free (GF), if necessary also Sugar Free (SF).
Also avoid food preservatives, artificial flavorings, MSG and artificial coloring.
E. Medical therapy in the form of a drug or intervention in the form of supplementation for Biomedical &
mega-dose vitamins (if necessary on the recommendation of doctors who deal with children).
F. Therapy with methods Floor Time with the interactive approach between child
with parents / family.

The names of other treatments: Auditory Integration Training (AIT), how to communicate with the Picture Exchange Communication System (Pecs), or the use of Computerised Pictograph (COMPIC), Music Therapy, Brain Gym, Glenn manual method, method of RDI, and others.

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