17 Jul 2009

Acupuncture Therapy

One of pemanfatan Acupuncture therapy is therapy, which has provided success for pain relief or anesthetics. Patients usually are in a state conscious when they received therapy Acupuncture anesthesia. Acupuncture therapy or accupunture dalan also be used to treat children affected by autism. It has been shown to restore the behavior of children afflicted with autism to be normal.

Acupuncture points have electrical properties are very unusual. These points can flow around the electric flow to the skin and the adjacent areas or related. However, what is amazing is the point of changing to follow the emotions Acupuncture patients. If the review follow the way of Chinese medicine or who is often called traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture therapy is associated with the power of Qi or chi, and the concept of Yin and Yang. The concept of Yin and Yang are also related to the organs in the body known as the organ of both Yin and Yang. The balance of Yin and Yang to determine the stability of the body's health.

Chinese Medicine also linked the weather relationship with the 5 elements of wood, water, fire, metal, and earth with one's health and disease. When the organ in the body weight is associated with the 5 elements and the Yin and Yang. For example, wood is associated with liver, heart with fire, lymph nodes with the earth or land. However, the most important thing in managing or Siwak F Acupuncture is pulse diagnosis. This is an important Siwak F kerana can diagnose the disease ever experienced by the patient. This allows acupuncture practitioners must know the background easily one disease. In addition, practitioners of traditional acupuncture Acupuncture or can also measure the organ abnormalities, in the meridian with the pulse of the radial artery at the wrist. abnormalities in the organs, meridians, so it can reach 14 kinds of arterial pulse on both wrists. However, experts argue Acupuncture pulse 5 or 6 are usually the subject of diagnosis for treatment purposes. In addition, traditional Acupuncture Therapists will also examine the tongue, skin color, hair, and the position pergerakkan and body gestures, breathing and the sound of voices in acupuncture therapy or acupunture. In addition, style and lifestyle, diet, adequate sleep habits, stress thoughts, and reactions to the disease include disease-level meampengaruhi someone. This process is known as 'Mempalpat or pulse palpitations' is the Qi flow to diagnose disorders or often called chi and diseases of internal organs.

6 Jul 2009

RADIATION (radiation)

Treatment of cancer with radiation is usually done before or after surgery to shrink tumors. Radiation done in an attempt to destroy the networks that have been hit CANCER.

Radiation side effects are nausea and vomiting, decreased white blood cell counts, infections, skin reactions such as sunburn, fatigue, pain in the mouth and throat, diarrhea and can lead to baldness.

3 Jul 2009


Chemotherapy has a working principle that is toxic to or killing cells - cancer cells, controlling the growth of cancer cells, and stop its growth so as not to spread or to reduce the symptoms caused by Cancer. Chemotherapy is a systematic, in contrast with radiation or surgery that is local, so chemotherapy can reach cancer cells that may have spread and spread to other parts of the body. The success rate of chemotherapy also varies depending on its type CANCER.

1 Jul 2009

Psychological Therapy Model

This model is adapted from a psychological theory Mc Lellin, et al which mentions that the behavior of drug addiction is the result of emotions that do not function properly because of a conflict, so that addicts using the drug of choice to relieve or release the psychological burden. This therapy model concerned with the emotional healing of the respective drug addicts, where emotions can be controlled if they will not have a problem with drugs. Types of psychological therapy model is usually a lot done in private counseling, both in the rehabilitation center or in private therapy.